I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card
An Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, or Form I-90, allows applicants to obtain, replace or renew a Green Card. While you can try to navigate the process of obtaining, renewing or replacing your Green Card on your own, in many situations you’re probably better off hiring a professional to help you or recognize that mistakes and omissions, nefarious or not, can have adverse consequences to your Green Card application.
An individual will need to complete Form I-90 in the following situations:
The Green Card has been lost, stolen or destroyed
An issued Green Card was never received
There is an error on the Green Card that is the fault of the Department of Homeland Security
Biographical information has changed since the current Green Card was last issued
The Green Card is about to expire or will expire within six months
The permanent resident has turned 14 years of age
An individual who has commuter status will take up residence in the United States
The individual has been automatically converted into a lawful permanent resident
The individual has an earlier edition of the Alien Registration Card that must be replaced with a current Green Card
Form I-90 is not to be used by an individual who is a conditional resident and looking to remove the conditional status on their Green Card. In this situation, Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, will be needed.
Ultimately, the choice is yours whether you want or need us to assist you complete Form I-90. If you do, we will help ensure Form I-90 is completed properly and provide peace of mind. We will ask you questions and review your history to identify any potential issues you might have or pitfalls to address. If there are potential problems, we will take steps to address them before they can cause confusion or delay.
The application fee for Form I-90 is $540 (including an $85 biometric fee). Both these fees may be waived by completing Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver.
If there are no further complications in your case, our filing fee will be $125 but every case is unique.
For more information, please contact us.